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Well-being through the Plants at TNG-Centre®

Wishing to publicize the extraordinary flora present in the natural setting where Theg-Chog Norbu Ling® Monastery has its headquarters, we are pleased to present the Lutylia® project whose goal is to promote the recognition and use of the many local plants.

Such initiative certainly inspires a way of living in harmony with nature and its benefits!


Dawa Drolma, a Tibetan Buddhist nun, lives at Theg-Chog Norbu Ling® Monastery in Fourtou (Aude) where she shares her passion for plants while following her spiritual path inspiring inner peace.

It is through LUTYLIA® that she shares her floral treasures:

- introductory courses on medicinal plants;

- a flourishing range of products: from herbal teas to balms, incense and perfumes;

- a website detailing the use of around thirty medicinal plants and others knowledges.


Mixed herbal teas: Spring (rose petals, elderberry, marigold, lemon verbena) , Summer (spearmint, bergamot mint, lemon verbena, basil, bay leaf) or Winter (rosemary, thyme, mallow, linden, poppy).

Sirup: violet, poppy or elderberry syrup for floral treats.

Lip balm: the essential with shea butter and marigold oil.

Healing balm: remedy for cuts, irritation or cracks.

➢ Nourishing face cream: rose oil, aloe vera and rose geranium.

Perfum: bewitching fragrance of nag champa, jasmine and bargamot.




Ani Dawa offers well-being workshops through plants:

  • Through walks and manufacturing workshops, we learn to recognize plants and how to use them on a daily basis.
  • Meditation sessions enhance the days to anchor yourself and find inner calm.
  • The courses are an invitation to discover nature and oneself; an essential and enriching moment of break.
  • Next Date :Saturday, October 19th


Stage août 2024

Sharing day around medicinal plants

Galerie photos


 A most practical tool for apprentice herbalists: 
  • "The HERBARIUM": detailed description of about thirty medicinal plants.
  • "The HERBALIST'S BOOKLET": an essential tool for the use of medicinal plants: list of remedies, properties, classification by disease, etc.
  • "FROM SEED TO REMEDY": tips for growing, drying and making products.

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