To initiate a transformative journey from the head to the heart

That’s the reason why we have carefully designed a various range of experiences that allow joy to shine from within while recovering from the daily hustle and bustle. The heart vacation starts when we are surrounded by the dynamic of getting better. And within quietness lies the roadmap to the vulnerability of our own healing where wellness is always present, always patient.

Our approach, rooted in the middle way, integrates all aspects of life as everything we do, say, eat and think can be an extraordinary source of nourishment.

Wholesome movements: Any activity allows the body to go back to its own wisdom. Our body is constantly telling us what is going on but most of the time, we are not in the capacity to listen fully to what it has to say as everything around is too loud.

Wholesome food: Organic and vegetarian, using as much as possible wild plants, homegrown or locally produced vegetables, all meals and drinks aim at nourishing the body while allowing the mind to rest in its primordial felicity.

Wholesome environment: Our health is closely related to our ecosystem’s health. As one cannot work without the other, we have at heart to preserve a place that helps to rest and reset. The pristine river water, the surrounding nature and the quietness of the cedar forest or of the bamboo grove, all these are making La Tuilerie so precious and need to be sustained carefully.

Wholesome mind: A mind that is at peace and content, that is to say a dékyid mind, results from a proper combination of wholesome movement, food and environment.

Wellness Retreat


Ayurvedic Cooking Retreat


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