Abecedarium of Properties

  • Aperitif: stimulates appetite and facilitates digestion, is taken before a meal, and can be taken as a tea or macerated in wine.
     Chamomile, Roman chamomile, chicory, fenugreek, gentian, hops, horehound, mint, rhubarb.
  • Analgesic: relieves pain.
    Basil, chamomile, Roman chamomile, lavender, lemon balm, mint, St. John's wort, willow, linden.
  • Anti-inflammatory: relieves inflammation and calms congestion, either skin or internal.
    Acacia farnesiana, Roman chamomile, blackcurrant, heather, Rostkov's eyebright, marshmallow, witch hazel, St. John's wort, ononis, licorice, sage, elderberry.
  • Antipyretic: attenuates fevers and stimulates perspiration, often antiseptic.
    Calendula, chicory, gentian, horehound, sage, elderberry, linden, thyme.
  • Antiseptic: helps the body to fight infections, either by internal or external use. They are generally aromatic plants.
    Burdock, basil, heather, calendula, chicory, lavender, blueberry, bear raisin, solidages, thyme.
  • Antispasmodic: used to calm painful spasms and nervous disorders.
    Anise, sagebrush, hawthorn, basil, chamomile, Roman chamomile, chamomile, lavender, lemon balm, mint, sage, willow, thyme thyme, lime, lemon verbena.
  • Antistress: antispasmodic, calming and remineralizing, helps to fight against insomnia.
    Hawthorn, basil, lavender, lemon balm, linden, willow.
  • Astringent: reduces secretions and tightens tissues (such as diarrhea, poor blood circulation or hemorrhoids) are often rich in tannins.
    Yarrow, shepherd's purse, rose hips, Rostkov's eyebright, witch hazel, blueberry, nettle, plantain, strawberry, bearberry, solidage.
  • Calming: relaxes and relaxes the nervous system, and promotes sleep.
    Angelica, hawthorn, chamomile, Roman chamomile, poppy, hops, lavender, horehound, lemon balm, linden.
  • Carminative: promotes the expulsion of intestinal gases.
    Yarrow, angelica, anise, basil, Roman chamomile, fennel, lemon balm, mint, rosemary, thyme.
  • Cholagogue: promotes the elimination of bile, acts on the liver, digestive tract and intestinal transit.
    Artichoke, burdock, chamomile, celandine, chicory, gentian, olive, dandelion, rhubarb.
  • Choleretic: increases bile secretion and often cholagogue too.
    Artichoke, burdock, celandine, chicory, fennel, common fumitory, gentian, horehound, lemon balm, nettle, dandelion, sage.
  • Depurative: stimulates the elimination of toxins excessively present in the emunctory organs: the skin, the kidneys, the liver and the intestine. It can be associated with hepatic, sudorific or diuretic plants as appropriate.
    Burdock, borage, calendula, blackcurrant, celandine, chicory, officinal fumitory, hops, olive, pansy, dandelion, linden.
  • Diaphoretic: causes sweating.
    Hyssop, sage.
  • Digestive: promotes and facilitates digestion.
    Achillea, angelica, anise, basil, chamomile, Roman chamomile, fennel, juniper, marshmallow, hops, hyssop, bay leaf, lemon balm, mint, nettle, rosemary, sage, thyme, thyme thyme, linden.
  • Diuretic:
  • 1. promotes urination and also increases their volume.
    Yarrow, burdock, birch, borage, heather, blackcurrant, celandine, chicory, strawberry, common fumitory, juniper, lavender, olive, ogonis, pilosella, parietary, horsetail, bearberry, rosemary, sage, solidage, elderberry, lime, thyme, thyme thyme.
  • 2. eliminates chlorides in the event of edema.
    Birch, heather, blackcurrant, quackgrass, juniper.
  • 3. Facilitates the elimination of urea and uric acid.
    Yarrow, birch, heather, blackcurrant, chicory, nettle, pilosella, pennywort.
  • 4. antiseptic benefits on the kidneys and urinary system, also contributes to the decongestion of the prostate.
    Heather, quackgrass, bearberry, solidage.
  • Emmenagogue: promotes and regulates the menstrual cycle.
    Yarrow, sagebrush, calendula, chamomile, Roman chamomile, horehound, mint, rosemary, sage.
  • Expectorant: encourages the expulsion of mucus through sputum.
    Heather, juniper, marshmallow, hyssop, bay leaf, horehound.
  • Fortifying: strengthens the organism thanks to its stimulating, bitter and astringent properties.
    Chamomile, chicory, gentian, nettle.
  • Galactogenic: promotes the secretion of milk during breastfeeding.
    Anise, fennel, hops.
  • Hemostatic: helps slow hemorrhages and has an astringent effect.
    Shepherd's purse, horsetail.
  • Hepatic: stimulates the activity of the liver and gallbladder.
    Artichoke, burdock, calendula, chamomile, celandine, chicory, officinal fumitory, gentian, horehound, nettle, pilosella, dandelion, rosemary.
  • Hypertensive: increases blood pressure.
    Licorice, rosemary.
  • Hypoglycemic: helps lower blood sugar levels.
     Artichoke, burdock, chicory, fenugreek, blueberry, olive, nettle, horsetail.
  • Hypotensive: reduces blood pressure, also often has a calming and diuretic effect.
    Hawthorn, shepherd's purse, calendula, celandine, officinal fumitory, olive.
  • Laxative: facilitates intestinal transit without causing irritation.
    Burdock, chicory, marshmallow, dandelion, licorice, rhubarb, elderberry.
  • Mineralizing: brings mineral salts and has regenerating properties.
    Nettle, horsetail.
  • Ophthalmic: indicate in eye and eyelid conditions.
    Blueberry, chamomile, chervil, quince, fennel, mauve, sweet clover, plantain, psyllium, rose bush, elderberry, marigold.
  • Pectoral: suitable for all kinds of disorders of the respiratory system, in the same way as soothing and expectorant plants.
    White broth, borage, poppy, juniper, officinal marshmallow, hyssop, mauve, horehound, elderberry.
  • Purgative: helps to clear the intestines.
    Baguenaudier, bourdaine, bryone, dodder, globular, gratiole, big bindweed, mauve, buckthorn, plum, psyllium, rhubarb, bran.
  • Refreshing: quenches thirst and lowers body temperature.
    Beet, borage, blackcurrant, cherry, quackgrass, lemon, pumpkin, cucumber, barberry, strawberry, raspberry, pomegranate, marshmallow, mauve, orange, barley, sorrel, parietary, leek, licorice, grape.
  • Resolutive: dissolves bottlenecks.
    Ache, dill, wheat, carrot, chervil, poppy, cumin, bittersweet, fennel, fenugreek, broad bean, gentian, Robert geranium, mistletoe, hops, laurel, marjoram, sweet clover, potato, scrofular, ragwort, marigold , elderberry, tansy, coltsfoot, verbena officinalis.
  • Sedative: helps to relax and unwind.
    Aconite, pulsatilla anemone, angelica, green anise, hawthorn, basil, belladonna, chamomile, caraway, catnip, Indian hemp, cumin, hemlock, henbane, lettuce, bird's-foot trefoil, passionflower, poppy, peach, pale pink.
  • Soothing: relaxes tissues and soothes irritations, can be used both in herbal teas and in poultices.
     Chamomile, fenugreek, marshmallow, blueberry, parietary, liquorice, sisymbre, linden.
  • Stimulating: accelerates the activities of the organism.
    Angelica, sagebrush, blackcurrant, chicory, dog rose, fenugreek, officinal fumitory, gentian, bay leaf, horehound, mint, nettle, lanceolate plantain, dandelion, rosemary, sage, rhubarb, sisymbre, thyme, thyme thyme.
  • Stomachic: stimulates the stomach.
    Absinthe, acore, dill, angelica, green anise, artichoke, alder, balsamine, benoite, birch, buckthorn, bugrane, calament, chamomile, cinnamon, caraway, catnip, centaury, blessed thistle, milk thistle, chicory, cochlea, colombo, coriander , watercress, cumin, barberry, eucalyptus, fennel, fumitory, juniper, gentian, germander, hops, hyssop, bay leaf, lavender, lovage, marjoram, horehound, mate, lemon balm, mint, bean, yarrow, vomit nut, walnut, onion, orange tree, barley, oregano, patience, dandelion, chili, pennyroyal, horseradish, rhubarb, rosemary, reed, saffron, sage, tansy, thyme, speedwell, verbena verbena.
  • Sudorific: causes sweating.
    Burdock, borage, bugloss, boxwood, teasel, carrot, bittersweet, elm, wild pansy, meadowsweet, broom reed, saponary, viperine.
  • Tonic: increases the tone and energy of the organs.
    Absinthe, acore, angelica, sagebrush, woodruff, basil, benoite, bistorte, calament, chamomile, carrot, carragheen, centaury, blessed thistle, oak, chicory, bean, strawberry, fumitory, madder, juniper, gentian, germandree, hops , hyssop, lamier, lichen, ivy, marjoram, horehound, lemon balm, mint, minnow, millefeuille, white pimpernel, mustard, walnut, orange tree, patience, periwinkle, dandelion, cinchona, rhubarb, rosemary, rosebush, saponary, sage, willow , tea, thyme, speedwell, vine.
  • Bitter tonic: which stimulates the digestive glands.
    Absinthe, artichoke, small centaury, wild chicory, barberry, fumitory, madder, gentian, helianth, hops, limnanthème, white horehound, menyanth, patience, periwinkle, dandelion, verbena.
  • Astringent tonic: gives tissues the tone they do not have, making them denser and more contractile.
    Agrimony, argentina, benoite, bistort, shepherd's purse, oak, quince, comfrey, cypress, ficaria, strawberry, white lamier, horse chestnut, blueberry, medlar, walnut, nettle, poplar, pimprenelle, plantain, pepper , cinquefoil, knotweed, red rose, loosestrife.
  • Venous tonic: strengthens the circulatory system of the blood.
    Milk thistle, cypress, barberry, witch hazel, hydrastis, horse chestnut, hazelnut, red vine.
  • Topical: drug that is applied externally.
  • 1. topical analgesic
    lady's mantle, carrot, cabbage, clematis, comfrey, eyebright, climbing ivy.
  • 2. topical anti-inflammatory:
    Agrimony, plantain, potato, bramble, Solomon's seal, tamier, tea.
  • 3.topical anti-rot:
    Alliary, betony, St. John's wort.
  • 4.topic healing:
    Alliary, arnica, betony, carrot, cabbage, lily, plantain, St. John's wort, red rose, privet.
  • 5.topical scalp:
    Boxwood, nasturtium, watercress, nettle.
  • 6.topical emollient:
    Fenugreek, flax, lycopod, barley, potato, psyllium.
  • 7.topical resolving:
    Arnica, bryone, climbing ivy, Solomon's seal, sieve.
  • Vasoconstrictor: substance which acts to reduce the blood vessels, ie to narrow their lumen; helps increase blood pressure or locally reduce blood flow.
    Milk thistle, cicutary, cypress, ergot of rye, broom, witch hazel, Robert grass, hydrastis, horse chestnut, purple mallow, nettle, water pepper.
  • Vasodilator: makes it possible to dilate the blood vessels, ie to increase their lumen, by relaxing the smooth muscles of the wall of the vessels.
    Garlic, hawthorn, mistletoe, khella, olive tree, sombong.
  • Vermifuge: facilitates the elimination of intestinal worms.
    Absinthe, garlic, cabbage, pumpkin, male fern, pomegranate, St. John's wort, purslane, pyrethrum, tansy, thyme.
  • Vomitive: which makes you vomit.
    Arum, asaret, bryone, chamomile, ipecac, Florence iris, menyanth, lily of the valley, narcissus, wild pansy, Solomon's seal, violet.
  • Vulnerable: scar wounds.
    Arnica, St. John's wort, periwinkle, poplar, plantain, sage, elderberry, valerian.

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