Our day is often ruled by the clock. We fill our days with appointments and to-do lists which gives us a false sense of accomplishments. With full busy schedules, we do not allow creativity to manifest spontaneously in our experiences. Our life becomes dull and predictable. We tend to measure our achievements in linear time, forgetting that life is a collection of memories, memories a collection of moments and moments are when time stood still.
Although we are Human Beings, we seem nevertheless always be doing something. We run our life with all kinds of lists (checklist, bucket list, to-do-list etc) and we are constantly editing and crossing them off to the cost of losing the meaning of spontaneous presence. Even when a beautiful moment appears, instead of soaking it up with our presence, our habit is to capture it on our mobile phone rather than appreciating in our heart. 
We try to control our life and therefore always hoping for specific outcome which is often limited by our imagination. The greater the Expectation is often the cause of disappointment of equal proportion. Letting go of hope and fear requires us to learn to trust and trust is the glue that binds relationships.
We spent our entire life acquiring knowledge not realising that wisdom is the ability to pull the right strings which releases the richness of life. Wisdom has to do with the heart…Intelligence has to do with the mind. Knowledge the memory.
Imagine this journey as a road trip… fully packed with all your qualities, just following light-heartedly the road as it unfolds in front of us.
First, how, or when to start? When the wish to spread happiness through giving and sharing who we are without conditions is what takes us out of bed in the morning with a smiling face, it is like the starter of the car. Without it we cannot move anywhere.
Now that we hit the road, we notice many barriers on the side, preventing us from falling off. This is the integrity to say and do what is right and true, so we are not hurting ourselves or anyone else.
A road trip is not just a one- or two-hours thing, so patience and open-mindedness are there to remind us that we only move one turn of wheel after another. No matter how long the journey, we will reach our destination.
 “But what if we fall into despair?” one might object. Enthusiasm and perseverance are guarding our hearts not to fall into anguish; discipline gives us the stamina to keep driving forward and enjoy the ride.
Driving is the main task while on such a trip. A one-pointed strength as it requires concentration, presence, and vigilance. Without these, no need to say we are in big trouble, and we wouldn’t last long on
the road.
When we learn how to drive, we can only focus on what is in front of us. Yet a seasoned driver encompasses at once all that is happening around. Experience brings about the right understanding of how to deal with everything unfolding around us without getting trapped in the fear of failure or attached to its success. While on the highway, landscapes are passing by our eyes. We notice them but cannot grab it, we just go with the flow.

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