A Day for Wellness with Plants

                            Animateur 2   

For almost 20 years, Ani Dawa has been passionate about plants.

In awe of their simplicity and strength, she cultivates, harvests and processes them with great attention and care.

Through her training as a 'Herbalist Advisor' obtained in 2011, she found a way to share her 'floral treasures': plants are a source of healing and inspiration, learn to know them and use them in our daily lives guides us towards inner well-being.

Forthcoming Dates

  • Saturday, August 24th - FULLY BOOKED
  • Saturday, October 19th 


  • Presentation and recognition of plants
  • Workshop for the Five Senses
  • Different ways of using plants
  • Fabrication workshop


55€ for the whole day -  meal included (vegetarian cuisine)



For further informations and to register, contact us by email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


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