I- NomenclatureMauve

Latin name: Malva sylvestris

Family : Malvaceae

Common namesMalva ambigua, Malva erecta, Malva mauritiana1, Cheeses, High Mallow2


From the Latin “malva”: soft (emollient property of mauve)

From the Latin “sylvestris”: forest


II- Legends and traditions

Pythagoras and his pupils considered it "suitable for moderating passions and keeping the stomach and mind at liberty".


III- Botanical description

Description: Biennial or perennial herbaceous plant of 30 to 1.20 m with straight, branchy, robust and hairy stems

The leaves are alternate, dentate, polymorphic, soft and tomentose.

The flowers are purplish pink with 5 purple-veined petals, grouped in the leaf axils.

The fruits are circular achenes called cheese.

Habitatalong the roads, in the fields, wasteland in Europe and North Africa. 

Flowering: spring and summer

Harvest: the flowers are harvested all summer. The leaves are harvested before flowering.

Pars used 


IV- Active ingredients


•   Mucilages (5 to 12%)

•   Tannins

•   Polysaccharides

•   Anthocyanosides

•   Flavonoids

•   Vitamins A-B-C


V- Therapeutic use


•   Emollient

•   Laxative

•   Pectoral

•   Skin softening



Colds, bronchitis, tonsillitis, flu. It decongests and heals inflammation.

Asthma, stomach disorders, inflammation of the urinary tract.



Infusion: Put 10 gr of flowers for a liter of water, drink 3 cups a day.

Poultice: Boil the leaves for 2 minutes, strain and crush them in a cloth, apply in case of boils or abscesses.

Gargle: whole plant


VI- Precaution of use

Contraindication: none known

Interactions: avoid taking alcohol, tannins or iron salts at the same time as mallo

Warning: It is advisable to leave a period of one hour between taking a herbal tea and any other treatment.







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